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About me

D-man's WEB is my first homepage since way back in the late nineties. I'm a thirty something dude who on the one hand grew up on the internet, but also vividly remembers a time before it. I grew up having only a MS-DOS PC at home and being pretty happy with that until one day dial-up internet was introduced. I remember how badly I wanted to go online, but my parents didn't see the need for a new computer with windows 95 running on it. It wasn't until the early 2000's that we had our own PC with broadband internet, I must have been an early teenager at the time. Before that time I could only go online when visiting friends or family members with internet and I would always take the opportunity to do so. I loved to browse fansites from my favorite TV shows like Dragonball and Pokemon. The internet seemed like a magical place back then and I think it was because surfing the internet was a journey of discovery. You would find a dragonball fansite and through the affiliates list stumble upon other cool friended sites. What we call going down a rabbit hole now was actually the normal way to surf the web in the late nineties.

So now it's the early 2000s and I finally got my own internet at home. That's when I really got into sitebuilding. I never really got the hang of HTML and CSS back then, but I used a WYSIWYG editor on Geocities to make my own pages. I tried making a DBZ fanpage but felt they were done to death already. So I turned by focus to my latest interest which was Harry Potter. I made this website called HP Club. It must have been an ugly turd of a webpage but boy was I proud of it. Why? Because it was mine. I built the thing myself, spent months refining it, adding links, images, gifs, information about upcoming movies. It was a passion project and I'm sure I was one of the only viewers of the site, but it was mine and that was enough.

Sometimes I wonder where we went wrong with the internet. I discovered Neocities a few months ago and I remember how it fueled this fire in me. A fire that was almost put out by years of spending time on the modern internet. I've been a Facebook user (but quit years ago already), an avid Redditor (not anymore) and a big Youtube watcher (still guilty of that) and I felt pretty content living my life on the internet in this way. But when I discovered Neocities I remembered what the internet used to be like. I felt moved to see that there were still people longing for the old internet and before long I was one of them. Now I spend my free time teaching myself HTML and CSS like I should have been doing 20 years ago and It's just so rewarding. My goal is to make D-Man's web a place to call my home on the internet. I also hope it will give me a platform where I can post all my writing, poetry and other projects I have somewhere in my mind.

Things I Like

The problem with me is that there are too many things I like, so I never really settle down on any hobby. I have never had a single talent that I excelled in, but if there is one thing I love it's learning. That being said there are some interest that stuck over the years. First of all I am huge film buff, but more on that in the box below. I'm interested in east asian culture, especially Japan, Korea and China and I'm learning the Japanese language myself. I listen to a lot of podcasts about all kinds of topics, but especially political and investigative ones. I like reading and I used to write a lot of poetry but recently not so much anymore. I have an Android TV box and enjoy messing around with IPTV playlists and Kodi. I also play NES games on it. Finally I follow topics like architecture and city development on the Skyscrapercity forum.

The Big Screen

Credits to my film fanatic uncle who took me to the cinema since I was a little derp and who let me watch action movies and creepy horror during sleepovers that I wasn't allowed to watch yet. The most difficult question you can ask me is "What's your favorite movie?" because there are just so many. I could list a few that really made an impact on me though and that give you an impression of my taste:

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter & Spring (2003) Dir. Kim Ki-Duk - This film is life in all it's beauty and ugliness. It portrays the imperfections of mankind in a subtle, clever way. The cinematography is beautiful and I loved the scenery so much that I actually made a visit to the Jusanji national park in South-Korea where this movie was filmed back in 2013. The little temple you see in the movie was actually built for this film and does not exist anymore. The 'lake' you see is actually a water reservoir.
Dune (2021) - Dir. Denis Villeneuve - Rarely have I been this impressed by a cinema experience. Dune is an audiovisual masterpiece and anyone who claims auteur directors are dying out should watch Villeneuve's movies. To me he is the next big thing and has proven himself countless times with Prisoners, Arrival and Sicario, but with Dune in my opinion he delivered his masterpiece. Guess which film I'm really looking forward to in 2024...
Babylon (2022) Dir. Damien Chazelle - If there is one thing you should know about me, it's that I never read reviews before seeing a movie. I even try to avoid trailers. Babylon bombed in the box office but I went to see it anyway and it was amazing. If Villeneuve is the next master of Hollywood, Damien Chazelle is his running man. There is so much creativity in this movie. The scenes and setpieces are amazing and so full of life. Chazelle also has a great composer in Justin Hurwitz who made another excellent soundtrack after La La Land. If you love movies you have to see Babylon because it is an ode to the old Hollywood, the wild west days of the film industry. Also Brad Pitt is awesome whatever he does.
2046 (2004) Dir. Wong Kar-Wai - Wong Kar Wai is one of my favorite directors and I could have also put In The Mood for Love or Chungking Express on this list, but 2046 is really where his ideas and style all came together for a great cinematic symphony. Tony Leung is such a bad ass in this picture, Zhang Ziyi stole my heart and cinematopgrapher Chris Doyle plays an important role in why Wong's movie's feel so vibrant, so alive.
There Will Be Blood (2007) Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson - I think the acting perfomances of Daniel Day Lewis and Paul Dano are phenomenal in this picture. The power struggle between these characters, representing the two major powers of capitalism and Christianity in late 1800's America, is so interesting to watch. The scene where the oil field explodes is probably my favorite movie scene of all time. It's hell on earth. The soundtrack by Radiohead's Johnny Greenwood is eerie and really sets the mood in this drama that feels more like a thriller at times.

Other movies that deserve an honorable mention: Tampopo (1985), Enter the Void (2009), Blue is the Warmest Color (2013), Cloud Atlas (2012), Paris, Texas (1984) and of course Ghost in the Shell (1995).