Free Web Materials - An exhibition


Below is a collection of animated gifs that I thought were interesting or beautiful but of which I have yet to discover who created them. I realise that there is a possibility that these gifs might turn out to have originated from purchasable gifpacks and would therefore not fit the theme of the exhibition, but as long as the source is unknown I will leave them up on the site. If you happen to know who created them you can help expand our collective knowledge of web clip art by sharing this information with me. You can contact me at . You will then be registered as a contributor to the exhibition!

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Mini Monkeys

The mini monkeys were the first animated gifs I started collecting when I started D-Man's WEB. I found them when browsing Gifcities and I love the simplicity of them. As of yet I have been unable to locate the origin of these gifs. The simplistic style may be an indication that these gifs are a bit older than other creations and therefore it could be harder to find the original source as it may have not been archived, but this is entirely speculation.


Once you start searching for gifs on gifcities, you are going to encounter these rabbits a LOT. Since they were so popular, I expected it would not be hard to locate the source of these gifs but as of yet I have been unlucky. Other than Rabbits the creator also made squirrels, cats and monkeys in a very cute, feminine style.

03-07-2024 Update: I have found the source of these rabbits! However, the materials on the site have not been preserved for the most part. Therefore this GIF set will remain online and I will continue searching for more GIFs from this creator to help preserve her legacy.

Teru Teru

This little fella is also commonplace on the old net. I found them a lot on chinese and japanese personal websites. I thought it was a ghost at first but I learned that it is a Teru Teru Bozu. A traditional Japanese doll that farmers hung outside to try to influence the weather in their favour.


These gifs are based on the TV program SMAPxSMAP which ran between 1996 and 2016 in Japan and was immensely popular. This is why there are so many character in this gifset that don't seem to resemble any of the five members of the band. There is a pretty good Wikipedia article on SMAPxSMAP. I Found all of these gifs from the J-pop band SMAP on a single archived personal site! Little did they know they helped preserve almost an entire gifset!
Source site here

The Fellowship of the Ring

Behold, the entire Fellowship in a bite size gifset!

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Main Hall
A story about the Free Materials scene. (Not working yet)
Explanation of my research process.
Featured Free Materials sites. (Under Construction)
Collection of gifsets with unknown origins (Under Construction)

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